The health status of males in most countries, including Australia, is generally poorer than that of females. More males die at every stages through their life course, more males have accidents, more males take their own lives and more males suffer from lifestyle-related health conditions than females at the same age.
Meanwhile, men are less frequent visitors to general practitioners, and the perception is that they don't care about health or that health services are not well-prepared to interact with men effectively. But that's not what Men's Health Week is about!
In Australia, Men's Health Week provides a platform for challenging and debating key issues in men's health and to raise the profile of men, their health outcomes and health needs around the country each June. The approach celebrates the strengths of men, the contributions they make and the important role they play in society. It is as much as week of celebration and engagement of men with a serving of health on the side!
On Sunday 16th June, as part of the Men's Health Week, the Rise Community Centre in Maylands will host an incredible afternoon of workshops, health information, seminars and sign-ons plus the world premiere of the short film “Prostate Cancer – Diagnosis to Rehabilitation”.
Meet representatives from local support and advocacy groups for men who are there to help. This free event is open to all. See attached flyer for further details.
PCaHELP group leaders will be here, looking forward to meeting you and answering your questions.
You can find out what else is on at