DRY JULY. Do Your Liver A Favour

July 3, 2019

Once again, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) has been selected as one of the Major Beneficiaries of the Dry July campaign.

If you haven't heard of Dry July, it's a challenge for you, your family, and your friends to give up alcohol for the 31 days of July. But Dry July is much more than giving up alcohol.... It's also an opportunity to raise funds to help men affected by cancer.

Having a month off alcohol also has great health benefits, such as sleeping better, having more energy and of course, no hangovers! So you're not only helping others, you’re helping yourself. It's a win-win!

All proceeds from Dry July 2019 will benefit our Prostate Cancer Specialist Nursing program.

In 2018, funds raised by Dry July participants and a grant from the Dry July Foundation provided for the establishment of a new PCSN role in the Nepean Hospital along with increased capacity in Tasmania.

Sign up or donate at https://www.dryjuly.com/pcfa

Remember to spread the word and invite family and friends to support your Dry July efforts!
Dry July - Do your liver a favour
Prostate Cancer Support Groups WA
Prostate Cancer Support Group Meetings WA
Dedicated Prostate Cancer Support help line
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